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Scare Up a Good Time in the Kitchen

Scare Up a Good Time in the Kitchen

Earlier this week, while browsing Pintrest and watching Halloween Wars followed by Outlander, I saw several Halloween themed snacks had one ingredient in common – hot dogs. These looked like easy recipes I could whip up with minimal work and that wouldn’t leave my kitchen looking like a disaster area.

The Rocket City Mom Test Kitchen presents to you our Halloweenies episode. Four different ways to scare up a great time in the kitchen with hotdogs without creating a monstrous mess!

I have never claimed to be the best cook, baker, or creative person in the kitchen, and you definitely won’t find me on any cooking show.  Clearly, if I did this then you’ll be able to master these the first go around with no fails!

#1 – The Mummy Dog

Ingredients: Hot Dogs, Crescent Rolls, Cheese (Optional)

This one is basically what you see is what you get. Basic version is to slice your dough into strips and wrap them around your hotdog.

You can make it fancy by cutting arm and legs and wrapping dough around them or even adding cheese. Don’t stress about how the wrapping looks, the hotdogs will be eaten anyway.

This is something easy for kids age 5+ to help with. You can slice the dogs and they can wrap them up! Once they’re all mummified, follow the directions on the crescent roll package and bake them!


#2 – The Spider Dog

Ingredients: Hot Dogs, Crescent Rolls, Cheese (Optional)

Remember the Mummy dog? Well you can also make spider dogs with the exact ingredients. With the spider dogs you take one triangle of crescent roll and  wrap up the hot dog. Then you can make slices for the legs. Place the oversized pig in a blanket – I mean Spider Dog – on a baking sheet and follow the directions on the crescent roll package.

#3 – The Octo Dog

Ingredients: Hot Dogs, Thin Spaghetti

This one can be as simple or complex as you want to make it. I cut the hot dog into four pieces and threaded them with 4 piece of thin spaghetti. The kiddos will have a ball inserting the noodles. Once you stick in all your noodles, toss them into boiling water like you would regularly cook your spaghetti noodles.  After they are cooked to your liking – Al Dente, Dente, Smooshy – decide what kind of topping you want on these tentacle-y creatures.

Now here is where you do you.  Here are a few of my suggestions. Velveeta so it’s like Mac and Cheese, Afraido Alfredo Sauce with a little parmesan on top, or your basic red sauce.

#4 – The Pointer Dog

Ingredients: Hot Dogs, Hot Dog Buns

Cook the hot dogs however you like them cooked. Boiled, fried, crockpot, roasted, grilled, microwaved, sous-vide… yes I DO watch a lot of Food Network. Once they are ready, slice a little tip of a fingernail off of the end and make lines for where your knuckles are in your hand. I used a bit of shredded cheese under mine in the middle to really make the knuckle look gnarly. Don’t forget the ketchup to really sell it!

Good luck and Happy Halloween!



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