Spark or Stark? Sparkman’s Robotics Team Hosting Summer Camp & Being Awesome
Do you have a middle schooler interested in robotics? Would they like some hands-on STEM education this summer, learning from students who have won in competition?
Sparkman High School is offering its first STEM Summer Camp for rising 7th, 8th, and 9th, graders. What makes this camp different is it’s lead by the Sparkman High School Engineering Academy’s Robotics team — a.k.a Spark Industry Robotics — and emulates the many roles they play throughout the year in their robotics classes. Your child will experience high school-level robotics first hand.
But What Will They Learn?
Campers will be introduced to real-world project disciplines such as CAD/programming, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, fabrication, and marketing. And, they’ll learn how these roles collaborate to bring a project to completion. Members of Spark Industry Robotics will mentor campers over the course of three days where they will plan, design, fabricate, and test a robot on a gaming field. Plus, select 7th and 8th grade campers in the Sparkman High school district will be able to intern next year with Spark Industry Robotics! And graduates of the camp will get first consideration when they apply to the Engineering Academy.
Spark Industry Robotics
Sparkman High School is currently the only school in the Madison County School District offering multidisciplinary classes supporting robotics as part of their curriculum. Led by Rachael Simons, this team has successfully participated state and regional competitions and regularly interfaces with local industry leaders to learn directly from people who are in the fields relevant to the students’ courses. They’re also supported through Career Tech – a state organization dedicated to getting students college-ready and they also have a resource in the BEST program (Boosting Engineering through Science and Technology).
However, Mrs. Simons would like to see even more in order for the program to grow.
“We appreciate those in local STEM fields who’ve dedicated their time and offered their experience and expertise; but, the program could really grow with even more community interest and involvement. Sometimes we’re in need of tools and equipment we just don’t have, or there’s a missed opportunity learning about a field where we have no contacts. It’s so important for the kids to see what real world challenges look like. The more exposure they get, the better.”
For more information about the STEM Camp or Sparkman High School’s Engineering Academy, contact Mrs. Simons at or Renée Quaife at
You can also follow Spark Industry Robotics on Facebook.
Sparkman’s STEM Summer Camp Information
Dates and Time: July 6, 7, and 8; 9 AM – 3 PM
Cost: $125 (includes lunch, t-shirt, and project supplies)
Registration: Pre-registration is required. First 50 to register and pay will be accepted. Visit the Sparkman High School website to register by Friday, June 24.
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Karen Gann had a marketing communications career in high tech before taking a sharp turn into stay-at-home-momdom and homeschooling. She grew up in the Tennesse Valley, lives in Huntsville, and is wife to the wittiest man alive, mother to two head-strong and independent girls (they're adorable, really), and human caregiver to the cats. Addictions include Facebook, Pinterest, NYC's Radio Lab, coffee, food, and politics (not necessarily in that order but sometimes all at the same time). She's also the marketing director for Pandia Press in her spare time.