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Rocket City Mom Donates Funds to Huntsville Library

Rocket City Mom Donates Funds to Huntsville Library

28,000 kids in two months.

That’s how many kids participated in last year’s Summer Reading Program at the Huntsville-Madison County Public Library.

The team at Rocket City Mom recently awarded this year’s $2,500 Learning Expo Grant to the Huntsville-Madison County Public Library’s Youth Services & Outreach departments for their upcoming Little Learner and Summer Reading Programs.

You might have seen the colorful Ready Reader library van all over Huntsville & Madison County.
You might have seen the colorful Ready Reader library van all over Huntsville & Madison County.

Our local libraries are known for their quality events for kids and families, and Summer Reading is the biggest one they host. Hundreds of story times, book clubs, puppet shows, and arts & crafts sessions happen at HMCPL branches every year during the months of June & July. The best part? They are completely free for every kid to enjoy, and there’s no limit to how many you can attend.

Learning Expo Grant MandyBut where do all of those supplies come from? That’s a lot of glue sticks and construction paper. Where does the funding for the live animal shows and the reading celebration parties originate? Huntsville is home to many community-oriented businesses and organizations that are looking to give back to educational causes, and keep it local.

Rocket City Mom is proud to be a part of that effort.

Many thanks to every vendor at the 2015 Learning Expo – your participation in our January event made this gift to Madison County families possible.


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