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5 Huntsville Botanical Garden “Secrets”

5 Huntsville Botanical Garden “Secrets”

You’ve almost certainly heard of secret gardens before but have you ever heard of a garden that has secrets? Below we have listed five “secrets” (or should we say hidden gems) that the Huntsville Botanical Garden holds. Even avid fans and frequent visitors at the garden might be surprised at what’s on our list. Check it out and leave your favorite Garden treasure in the comments.

flowernumber1Gnome Dome

Finding this secret space might prove challenging for some so we’ll give you a hint. As the crow flies this spot isn’t far from tiny railroad tracks, but you’ll need to stay on the paved paths so be sure to pass a “tribute” on your way. Once you find this dome your little ones will enjoy exploring the natural habitat of the gnomes and learning fun facts as they play. Did you know that the word gnome comes from the Latin word genomos meaning “earth dweller”? Look at you. Smarter already just from reading our site.

Gnomes are known to be secretive.
Gnomes are known to be secretive!
flowernumber2Mining for Gems

If your troop is in the mood to pan for treasure, be sure to stop by the Garden shop on your way in to purchase a bag of “gems” and then search out this water feature located next to the Trading Post Treehouse. Here’s an activity where the kids are guaranteed to find a few nuggets and you can bring that same Mother Lode back to the Garden again and again for a summer full of prospecting.


flowernumber3Heavenly Hammocks

There is nothing quite like spending a quiet morning laying in a hammock in a beautiful garden with the breeze in your hair and the birds singing above you. Whether you choose to include your kids in this activity or you sneak away without them, it’s a really lovely Garden secret. Might we recommend that you consider enjoying this hidden gem at a less busy time since of the 5 secrets we’ve listed this is the worst-kept and you don’t want to be waiting for a spot!

Huntsville Botanical Garden Heavenly Hammocks

flowernumber4Pollywog Bog

Located at the back of the Children’s Garden, this splash area is the perfect place to take your tadpoles who might want to cool off after a fun day exploring. There is some shade and a bench for parents and, obviously, plenty of water. Plan to bring water attire or a change of clothes if you’re going to visit this spot because everyone will get very wet. Don’t forget that there are bathrooms (including a family bathroom) located inside the Purdy Butterfly House right next door. A great option for changing in and out of wet clothes.


flowernumber5Penny, Director of Natural Pest Control Services

While frequently spotted on the Huntsville Botanical Garden Facebook page, Penny the feral cat is more elusive in real life. That said, her work in pest control is outstanding and she receives high marks on her yearly performance reviews. Why not make it a goal to get your picture taken with Penny this summer? You might have to visit a few times to make it happen but what a great excuse to visit!




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