A Facebook Intervention
We all knew it was coming, but didn’t realize it would be quite this bad.
I need to talk to you about Facebook. Like, have a serious, anxiety-ridden discussion with YOU, our amazing Rocket City Mom readers about this double-edged, co-dependant relationship we have with… an ALGORITHM. In a few days, Facebook is implementing even MORE rules about letting posts from small businesses (like Rocket City Mom) be seen by their followers.
[sws_pullquote_right]We hate that we feel we have to ask Facebook for permission to reach our favorite people every day – YOU. [/sws_pullquote_right]
Not cool, plus the anxiety about it is making me stress-eat.
We hate that we feel we have to ask Facebook for permission to reach our own readers every day, knowing that many of you won’t see us in your News Feed…Â even if you asked Facebook to see us.
Even if you checked “Get Notifications”. Even if you checked the “Following” button on our Facebook Page! This is making me super sad, and I’m feeling more than a little rebellious about it.
It’s Time for a Facebook Intervention
So… what to do? I’m going to look to one of my favorite fictional role models for inspiration.
Leslie would come up with a strategic 120 page proposal in a 3-ring color coordinated binder about how to tackle this troubling issue. Then she’d drown herself in a stack of hot crispy waffles. (I’ve already done the second thing.)
Thankfully, there are MUCHÂ simpler options. And they’ll take you about 2 minutes at most.
Sign up for our Weekly Email Newsletter Because Giveaways
I feel we’ve worked hard to make the Rocket City Mom community a strong one, and this is by far the best way to make sure you don’t miss all the great posts, guides, and directories we’re working on this year. You’ll get ONE email a week. Every Thursday morning you’ll be the first to see the most popular post we do, the original Weekend Roundup, plus all the other new information we’ve shared on the site that week.
We’ll still hang on Facebook but we are making our newsletter subscribers the SUPERSTARS of RCM. Subscribers will not only be in the know about all things parenting in Huntsville but they’ll get access to all kinds of giveaways and discounts just for being a subscriber. To help us break this unhealthy relationship we have happening with Facebook we’re going to stop doing our infamous RCM Giveaways on Facebook and make them exclusively for our newsletter subscribers and followers on other platforms (see below). No confusing process to enter, just be a newsletter subscriber and then check your weekly email to see if your name is in the “Winners’ Circle”. What are you waiting for? Sign up here.
Please Follow us on Instagram
If you’ve ever wanted to interact with RCM more, Instagram is a great place to do it. We love to see photos of families having a blast in Huntsville and we’ll be sharing more over there in the coming year. The best plus side to Instagram? Less ads and politics from strangers and more happy awesome photos from your friends and fellow parenting warriors.
Pinterest Can Be More Than a Time-Suck
I love me some Pinterest. One of my favorite things is winding down from a long day by flipping through recipes, book lists, life hacks, and hairstyles I want while sipping on a beverage in front of the TV. After the kids are in bed of course. So guess what? Rocket City Mom’s Pinterest boards are pretty awesome, and we’ll be bringing even more of our great content over there this year. Besides, I want to see all your Cute Hair Boards too.
Tweet, Tweet!
I know, I know. Another thing you have to keep up with. But if there’s one thing I love about Twitter is it’s the place to be if you want to: 1) be the first to know about important Earth-shattering events, and 2) it’s fun to Tweet hilarious and snarky parenting moments – just search #JoysOfParenting. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Follow RCM on Twitter here.
That’s it! If you do those four little things you won’t have to worry about being such a slave to Facebook. You’ll have more chances to win our awesome Giveaways, your horizons will be broadened, and I won’t go into a carb & sugar coma from stuffing my face with stress waffles.
Rocket City Mom is a website about raising children in and around Huntsville, Alabama. Started in late 2010 by a local mom and newcomer to Huntsville, Rocket City Mom has grown into a thriving community of local parents and now boasts a staff of four, thirteen regular contributors, and tens of thousands of Tennessee Valley readers making it the #1 Parenting Resource in North Alabama.