Summer Makeup Tips for Busy Moms

“I’m melting!” screams the Wicked Witch of the West as Dorothy douses her. As I was readying my yard for a party last week, those words from The Wizard of Oz came to mind.
It’s mid-July in the Deep South and from the looks of most of us, ladies, we’re melting. You can act like you don’t care–refusing to take your sunglasses off inside lest someone see your raccoon eyes; layering on heavy foundation to cover the lobster-red nose you missed when reapplying everyone else’s sunscreen; torturing your strands with the flat iron and still looking like Hermione Granger. But with just a few beauty points, you too can beat the heat and channel your inner Dorothy.

I’ll Get You My Pretties!
Yes, that’s the sun cackling at you. You must wear sunscreen ALL THE TIME. If you’re like me, too much of anything on my face and my chin starts looking like the characters from my beloved YA fiction.
Simplify your regimen with a BB or CC cream. These creams offer high SPF, coverage and moisture – no primer required. If you have oiler skin and prefer a powder, try a pressed mineral powder with SPF. It will protect you from harmful rays and absorb excess oil. All of these products are offered in a huge array of shades and prices. I like Chanel’s CC Cream (SPF 30) and Bare Minerals compact foundation (SPF 25).
Don’t forget your lips! Look for a sheer gloss or balm with SPF. These are often difficult to find. One I’ve tried and love is Fresh’s Sugar Lip Treatment. It has an SPF of 15 and comes in ten lovely jelly shades.
If I Only Had a Tan…
With all the sunscreen, how will we even know it’s summer by looking at you? Repeat after me: self-tanner and bronzer.
Don’t tell me self-tanners make you as orange as the Scarecrow because these days I’m not buying it. There are thousands out there and believe me, some will absolutely work for you. There are fool-proof applications and formulas that smell lovely or not at all. I personally use Jergens Natural Glow year-round. I have sensitive skin, so self-tanner on my face doesn’t work. That’s where bronzer comes into play. Apply it lightly all over your face and slightly heavier where the sun would naturally highlight you (cheeks and bridge of your nose). MAC’s bronzer in Refined Golden is my jam.

Over the Rainbow
With eye makeup I usually take the approach that anything worth doing is worth over-doing, but Divine and Bon Qui Qui are on holiday. Simple, natural looking eyeliner and mascara are enough.
Braids and Headbands and Hats – Oh My!
Your hair looking more like the Cowardly Lion than Jennifer Anniston? Moisturize and protect.
In the water all day? Rinse your hair before and after swimming and apply a leave-in conditioner throughout the day. Either a spray or cream formula will work. I like Uniq 1 Leave-In Treatment. It moisturizes, detangles, de-frizzes and has UV filters. For longer hair, try a top knot or a simple braid.
If you’re feeling a bit more advanced or if your daughter has been watching YouTube videos, try a braid as a headband. For shorter hair, invest in a couple of tools like a fedora, small clips and some headbands. You too can look as cute as a cover of the latest InStyle.
Let’s Review, My Pretties!
- Sunscreen in and on everything
- Bronzer and self-tanner are your new besties
- With summer eye makeup –less is more
- Rinse. Moisturize. Repeat. Put braids, hats and headbands to work.
Just remember: when all else fails, click your heels three times…
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Meagan Haney, a Shoals area native, started a career in English and journalism, but soon heard the Siren’s call of the beauty industry. She’s been behind the chair as a hair stylist and makeup artist for fifteen years. When she and her extremely (literally) colorful husband, Jason, aren’t styling the hair of Huntsvillians at MattiLu’s Salon, they’re doing whatever their two four-legged beasts, Ozma and Ogre demand of them. Whether binge-watching on Netflix or pouring over the latest issues of InStyle or Vanity Fair, Meagan is constantly reminded that her work here is not done. For more of her beauty product reviews check out Beauty Apocalypse.[/sws_blue_box]
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