Help Us Help You

Here at Rocket City Mom we work REALLY hard every day to bring our readers the latest and greatest information about events, activities, and resources that we believe parents in the Tennessee Valley could use. We do this because we’re also parents living in the Tennessee Valley and we know this is a great place to raise a family and we want to share our knowledge. Our mission is to make parenting in Huntsville easier. Â It’s a pretty simple goal and most of the time it’s pretty easy to come up with ideas for posts.
But…as we enter into the second half of our third year we’ve grown from a few hundred to several thousand (!) readers each month and as the diversity of our readership grows, we realize that we might be missing important stories, and/or resources that our readers want to read about. So, as part of our never ending quest for self-improvement we’re asking you a couple of simple questions so that we can get to know our readers better and become an even better resource for parents in our community.
A Token of Our Thanks
And because we are who we are, to thank you for answering our simple survey, we’re giving away a family-four pack of tickets from RCM sponsor Burritt on the Mountain for this week’s Wacky Water Days event happening July 10 – July 14! If you haven’t already visited the Whimsical Woods, read our parent review and see just what you’ve been missing. Even if you don’t win the free tickets, we know you’ll want to visit before this exciting family-friendly exhibit comes to a close in early September.
To enter, simply follow the two (2) steps below.
STEP 1: Complete the poll below (you may choose all that apply)
[poll id=”8″]STEP 2: In the comment section below, please answer the following question(s).
- What are we missing?
- Is there something you’d like to see more of on our site? Feel free to be specific or general.
- What could we do differently that would help us better achieve our goal of making parenting in Huntsville easier?
At the end of the day tomorrow (July 10th) we’ll pick a winner randomly from the comments and notify the winner via the email they used to enter the comment. Thanks in advance for your help!
Rocket City Mom is a website about raising children in and around Huntsville, Alabama. Started in late 2010 by a local mom and newcomer to Huntsville, Rocket City Mom has grown into a thriving community of local parents and now boasts a staff of four, thirteen regular contributors, and tens of thousands of Tennessee Valley readers making it the #1 Parenting Resource in North Alabama.