Be a Super Hero – Help Protect a Child

A year or two after moving to Huntsville, I finally started making some close friends who actually lived near me. This was before my son was born, in my days after graduate school but before the prospect of being of mom became real. So when I finally found “my people” (yes, I still watch Grey’s Anatomy), I was a much happier person.
[sws_pullquote_right]Although no one likes to talk about abuse, especially child abuse, we all know that it’s out there. Participating in this event just might help make a difference in the life of someone you know. [/sws_pullquote_right]
One day, quite unexpectedly, one of my new friends confessed that she was a victim of child sexual abuse. I felt helpless listening to her and wanted to do something. I read articles, looked through some books, and just listened to her when she wanted to talk. I never imagined anyone I knew had been abused. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Through her and others, I found out child abuse isn’t as uncommon as I once thought.
As more time went by, I also found out that Huntsville is home to the National Children’s Advocacy Center (NCAC). The NCAC takes a “multi-disciplinary team approach which involves law enforcement, child protective services, prosecution, mental health, medical, family/victim advocacy, and other resources in a model community response to child sexual abuse.” They also provide information, training, consultation, and other assistance to Child Abuse Professionals from around the world.
So when the National Children’s Advocacy Center created a new event to bring awareness to April for Child Abuse Prevention Month, I jumped at the chance to be involved. Last year, the first ever NCAC Superheroes Bike-A-Fun Run and Family Block Party was held. This year’s event on April 13 promises to be even bigger and more fun.
The Bike-a Fun-Run is a unique event in which athletes and non-athletes alike can come with their entire families and participate in a fun and physical-fitness friendly morning. For athletes, there is a certified 1-mile race, certified 5K run, 10K bike ride, and the races wrap up with a just-for-fun 1-mile fun run for everyone. For the younger kids there is a Free Bike Rodeo, and for kids of all ages there will be a Block Party held in the NCAC parking lot featuring food, inflatables, crafts, and more.
I hope you’ll consider coming out to support this great community event. Not only did I have a great time last year, but my son had a blast and I appreciated having the opportunity to get his bicycle helmet professionally fitted and his fingerprints taken (just in case!) for free. Although no one likes to talk about abuse, especially child abuse, we all know that it’s out there. Participating in this event just might help make a difference in the life of someone you know.
Event: NCAC Superheroes Bike A Fun Run and Family Block Party
Date: Saturday, April 13 from 8am – 1pm
Location: NCAC, 210 Pratt Avenue, Huntsville 35801
Phone: 256-533-KIDS (5437)
Cost: Individual events start at $15 per participant. Full family participation (up to 5 family members) is $50.00. The Block Party is free and you don’t have to participate in the run or bike ride to attend. For more details and to register, please visit
Other: Superhero Costumes Encouraged!
Photo Credit: Marla Laramie Photography
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