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What NOT to Wear This Holiday Season

What NOT to Wear This Holiday Season

Last December, I wrote a column about What to Wear during the holidays. This year, I am dedicating this month’s column to holiday fashion statements that you want to avoid at all costs.

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  1. Stonewashed Jeans

    Do NOT do this. Leave your inner Kelly and Dylan in 1993 please.
    My husband is giving me the evil eye right now. I’m sorry, babe, but the days of light-colored jeans have passed. We’re not attending a holiday party at the Peach Pit. A pair of dark jeans (or Color Jeans for the fashion-conscious) will dress up almost any outfit
  2. Sneakers

    I know that they are comfortable and versatile. Believe me, with all of the Nikes that I have purchased over the years, I should own stock in the company. But unless your Christmas party is at the YMCA, leave the sneakers in the closet. If you are intent on wearing casual shoes, may I interest you in a pair of Toms?

  3. Holiday Sweaters

    See Also: Christmas Vests. I MIGHT give you a pass if your job consists of working with children. And when I say children, I mean toddlers. If you teach high school and show up in a bedazzled Rudolph sweater, believe me, you will have more to worry about than this column. Teenagers are brutal.

    NO. Just… no.
  4. Flip Flops

    Yes we live in Alabama, and on any given December day it might snow — or you might be cranking up the air conditioner. I, myself, have been guilty of throwing on a pair of flip flops to run errands in the winter months. But we have to draw the line somewhere, and that line is Halloween. No flip flops past October, and that goes double for sports-themed shoes. I know that The Tide is having another banner year, but that does not give you free reign to show up at your holiday gathering in a pair of houndstooth flip flops.

  5. Dirty Hair/No Makeup

    The holidays are a prime photo-taking opportunity, and I can usually be found skulking through the house snapping photos of unsuspecting family members. The same members have resigned themselves to the fact that those pictures will probably find a way onto Facebook at some point. It is a hectic time of year, especially if you have young children, but try to steal some time to freshen up your face and hair. 2012 will be over soon, but that picture of you in a greasy ponytail and day-old mascara is forever. I speak from experience.


Have a festive and fashionable holiday season!


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