Dinner and Dancing

[/box]It might be cliche in our day and age, but we almost NEVER miss dinner together as a family. I admit, we rarely have anything fancy. Pizza night and BLTs are in our regular rotation, but the point is that we all sit together and share our day. For me, those moments at the end of the meal (after everyone has enjoyed dessert!) are the most special, because sometimes everyone stays gathered in the kitchen to share some more time together before we go off to enjoy game time or some other activity.
Most mornings, Daddy is out the door before the kids are up and, with two five year old children, our days stay far too busy. Dinnertime is oftentimes the first and, sometimes, only chance we have to sit together and just enjoy gathering during the work week. A key component of our dinnertime ritual is listening to our favorite music during (quietly) and after (loudly) our meal [think Neutral Milk Hotel, Pearl Jam, The White Stripes, Beck, Arcade Fire, Beastie Boys….if you need a sense for the mood].
The photo is a moment I captured after dinner one night. Our daughter is loving on her Daddy and our son is dancing in the background.

Christa Landingham and her husband are Madison County natives and life-long residents. They have boy/girl twins and two crazy puppers. She loves all things teaching, organizing, and supporting local small businesses. In her “free-time” she loves to garden, travel with her family, volunteer, and comb local thrift stores. Pearl Jam is her jam.