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Test-Taking Tips from Rocket City Learning Center

Test-Taking Tips from Rocket City Learning Center

Does your child struggle with Test Anxiety? Is your teen taking the ACT or SAT this summer? Get advice and tips from a local expert with a proven track record of test-taking success! Our RCM editor, Stephenie Walker, sat down with Dr. Praveena Kommidi, founder of Rocket City Learning Center, and asked your questions about how to best prepare kids for academic testing.

Rocket City Learning Center has helped their students save $127,500,00 in tuition costs by securing scholarships and teaching invaluable study skills to over 3,000 students right here in Huntsville and Madison! It’s a great opportunity to hear from a real expert.

  • Get tips on how to manage your child’s test-taking stress and anxiety.
  • Learn more about the pros & cons of taking the ACT and SAT test.
  • Discover the key to increasing your student’s ACT score by several points.

About Dr. Kommidi

With 20+ years of experience in education, Praveena Kommidi dreams about a world filled with kids who are fired up to learn new things and always ready to explore new horizons. The team at Rocket City Learning Center operates diligently under her leadership as Founder and CEO, and the aspiration to send every student to college with a full ride while helping each individual discover the joy of learning. Learn more and see available camps, classes, and tutoring sessions at

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