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The Things We Skipped in 2015

The Things We Skipped in 2015

2015 has been full of lots of great entertainment, fashion, and crazes. As busy parents it’s next to impossible to sample ALL of them. We asked our readers – what did you skip this year? What trends, books, crazes, TV shows, movies, etc. did you decide to opt out of – and why?

2015 Trends We Totally Missed

Elf on a Shelf! And Star Wars – just not into either of them.
– Holly

That dress. I don’t care what color it was.
– Jennifer

Star Wars. I know… don’t throw things.
– Shannon

Mad Men. Everybody tells me I would love it, but I never got around to it, and this year was the finale of the show.
– Stephenie

Adele. I couldn’t pick her out of a lineup and I couldn’t identify any of her songs.
– Bo

Skinny Jeans because they are from the devil.
– Brandi

The Walking Dead… my husband and I don’t like zombies. They just push the limits of believability too far, and they’re gross to look at. Just not fans.
– Nan

I’ve never seen Hunger Games or Star Wars, and I have no clue what whip nay nay means – never heard the song. However, if you’re family is looking to adopt a certain kind of dog, I’m your girl! (Animal rescue is where my spare time is spent.)
– Heather

Pretty sure I’m the only woman on the planet that has not read (nor desires to read) Fifty shades of Grey.
– Jasmine

Downtown Abbey… many of my friends tell me to sit down for THREE day’s and catch-up. I’d love it – who has THREE days to sit?
– Benita

Scandal + How To Get Away with Murder. Like, ALL of my lady friends at work are WAY into these shows and… no. Thanks.
– Sarah

Monogramming everything and Piko shirts.
– Tracy

Game of Thrones and that zombie show. The Walking Dead? Just no interest.
– Karen

I couldn’t do The 50 Shades of Grey (movie or books), the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge or Game of Thrones.
– Isha

Mailing out Christmas cards. We keep getting less and less and since I can’t just send a generic card (people expect a picture of my daughter) it’s a lot of work, time and money so I said no to it this year.
– Sally

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