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Little Video Game Zombies

Little Video Game Zombies

[box style=”lavender rounded” ]We get a lot of questions here at RCM, and decided to start a local advice column where our super-smart readers provide advice for the toughest parenting problems. We’ll be running these questions as an opportunity for our readers to share personal experiences, opinions, and anecdotes. As always, please do your own research before following any advice given here… or anywhere else on the web, for that matter. [/box] [sws_blockquote_endquote align=”left” cite=”” quotestyle=”style01″]I need some advice from other parents – my 7 year-old son has recently started playing video games and I’m unsure about how long to let him play. It’s all that he talks about anymore and I really want to avoid having a little gamer on my hands. I personally think that every day is too much. And what do you do when you also have to battle dads about the issue? Any suggestions or advice? – Erin in Huntsville[/sws_blockquote_endquote]

Do you have advice to offer? Please leave it in the comment section below.

[sws_grey_box box_size=”500″] Do you have a question you want to ask the masses about parenting, pregnancy, kids, fitness, career, marriage, community, or style? We want to help answer those and more – just email your question for consideration to, and feel free to submit anonymously or include your name (we’ll never use last names when publishing). [/sws_grey_box]


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