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New Year, New You

New Year, New You

Happy New Year, gang!

While I am not one for resolutions, I always look forward to the new year.  It is a blank slate, a fresh start. A friend brought up this great idea to make New Year resolutions that are actually fun to keep. Instead of the typical “Lose weight, save money” fare, he plans to “Drink more champagne, eat more oysters”.

I like this.

In 2012, I am resolute to enjoy life more, not less.

I want to sparkle brighter

Sing louder


Love harder


Listen better


Think deeper


And grow out my hair.

Happy New Year!


[All images can be found on my New Year 2012 Board at Pinterest.Pinterest is still operating in open-beta mode, but anyone can join with an invitation.  If you would like to try it out (warning: it is addictive!), drop me an email at [email protected] and I will send you an invite.]


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