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Halloween Costumes for Pregnant Bellies

Halloween Costumes for Pregnant Bellies

Pumpkin Halloween Costume Pregnancy Bump

Halloween is just around the corner and as someone who LIVES for this holiday, I wanted to explore some options for our pregnant Mamas out there. A costume that accentuates that beautiful bump is easy to attain with so many options to choose from and I had a blast looking for ideas for you. I spent some time on Pinterest and pulled some of my favorites to share below! 

First up, let’s take a look at some cutesy solo costumes to celebrate All Hallows Eve.

I’ve always been partial to this adorable Avocado costume. It’s easy, cute, and cheap to make, which are all three winners in my book. Pop that precious belly in the center and get ready for a million compliments on your “healthy fats” costume choice.

Avocado Bump Pregnancy Costume
Photo sourced from Pinterest

In the same vein as the avocado, but with a little spice, how about a Deviled Egg? Grab some devil horns and tail, cut out an egg white shape, pop that sweet tummy in the hole, and BAM: an easy bump costume, sunny side up! This one is also cost effective and easy to do. All you need is some cardboard, scissors, paint, and a little creativity! 

Deviled Egg Pregnancy Bump Halloween Costume
Photo sourced from Pinterest

For any of my Mamas to Be that are Harry Potter fans, why not make a splash by gilding that bump in gold and being the Golden Snitch! I thought this one was so creative and one that could easily be made into a couples or family costume. The possibilities are endless and it would definitely be the talk of the town.

Golden Snitch Harry Potter Bump Pregnancy Halloween Costume
Photo sourced from Pinterest

Speaking of couples/family costumes, let’s throw a few of those in the mix as well. 

First up, take a look at this adorable space themed costume that plays so well in any arena here in Rocket City. The Astronaut and the Moon will remain one of the top choices for me if I ever find myself pregnant around Halloween again! You could be fearless and paint your actual tummy as the moon to let it shine in all its glory or you could paint a fitted shirt if you feel more comfortable that way. Either way, your bump will definitely light up the night on Halloween. 

Astronaut Moon Couple Pregnancy Bump Costume
Photo sourced from Pinterest

Another couple look that stole the show for me was this Disco Ball and Dancer pair. You could go as big and shiny as you wanted with this one and it would be so much fun! Talk about a show stopper! I tend to go way over the top when it comes to costumes, so I see myself gluing tiny mirrored squares to my actual stomach the day of, but not everyone has to go so hard. You could use glitter or silver paint on a fitted shirt/dress and it would be just as stunning! This precious Mama used sequins and it looks divine.

Disco Ball Dancer 70s Couple Pregnancy Bump Costume
Photo sourced from Pinterest

This quirky Cast Away pair made me laugh out loud. If you feel like making a few people spit take, try this hilarious costume on for size! I feel like you’d definitely turn heads in this one and garner a few “WIIILLLSSOOONNN” shouts along the way. I’m all for making a splash and this one is just too good for someone not to try! 

Castaway Couple Pregnancy Bump Costume Wilson
Photo sourced from Pinterest

If you’re looking for family costume ideas that showcase the newest (growing) member of your family, we’ve got you covered! 

Look at this precious spin on Monsters Inc! You can go big and create a whole costume or keep it simple and just paint faces on t-shirts, either way, Mike Wazowski will never look better, plus, there are so many characters to choose from! This would be a great costume idea for any size family. 

Monsters Inc Family Pregnancy Bump Halloween Costume

This Chef/Sauce/Spaghetti mix is a classic. I love to see it and it will never get old for me, especially with the brand word play. Such a spectacular costume for the fam jam. Just look at that adorable spaghetti! Cute enough to eat!

Prego Chef Spaghetti Family Pregnancy Bump Halloween Costume
Photo sourced from Pinterest

Our last look is one that is an oldie, but a goodie, and can add as many characters as you’d like! If you have a big family and want everyone involved, Winnie the Pooh and his friends from the Hundred Acre Wood is a fantastic way to include the whole crew. 

Winnie the Pooh Family Pregnancy Bump Halloween Costume
Photo sourced from Pinterest

These costumes are some of my personal favorites, but there are SO MANY options! If you want to highlight your blissful bump this Halloween, go for it, and be sure to tag Rocket City Mom so we can add your creative look to our list for next year’s expectant Mamas.


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