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Let’s Taco Bout It: Episode One with Steph & Beth

Let’s Taco Bout It: Episode One with Steph & Beth

Let's Taco Bout It with Rocket City Mom

So, our first episode of Let’s Taco Bout It with Rocket City Mom is under our belts and BOY did we learn some things.

Like wifi can get wonky when you’re live streaming with editing board software. Who knew? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

BUT! While watching live wasn’t a good experience, playing it back works beautifully. That said, we’re trying again next Tuesday at 8:00 PM and we hope you’ll tune in and not hold our live stream tonight against us.

We’re getting that fixed.

I promise.

If we don’t, we owe you a margarita. (Or, we’ll drink one in your honor. I kind of hope it doesn’t work now so we’ll get to drink multiple margs and call it “work”.)

In the meantime, you can watch the FULL first episode of Let’s Taco Bout It with Rocket City Mom below!

As promised, we drew a random winner from the comments on Facebook – Stephanie Sexton Warr you have won a RCM Prize Pack! We’ll draw another winner next Tuesday. So come Taco Bout It with us again!

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